det turkise / ipek yolu / Tales from the Silk road

World-embracing interplay, musical tales and food to gather around. Ipek Yolu’s upcoming roots&hybrid sound takes over the A-house for a warm sitting concert with both food and music on the menu.

For the first concert in a series of autumn concerts, which we have been very much looking forward to presenting, we are opening the doors to the A-house at Institut for (X). Ipek Yolu is a band with a very special connection to det turkise telt. A band whose sound not only lets us travel far on the waves of its tunes, but which also plays right into the core of a roots&hybrid universe we are proud to present. To let you get right under the skin of this sound, the concert is introduced this evening with a conversation with the band. A moment with stories and guiding words. Words that will subsequently be replaced by tones, riffs and soundscapes, where the essence of the music and the many meanings can unfold in full bloom.

Ipek Yolu consists of musicians from bands such as Hudna, Junglelyd, and AddisAbabaBand. This evening they will bring Benjamin Lesak Jensen from Bliglad on keys/synth. If you know any of these band, then you know, that you can look forward to captivating hybrid grooves characterized by musical curiosity and joy of play. So, it will almost not be more roots&hybrid than Ipek Yolu.

After the concert, we offer a hot dish of vegan dhal from the lovely people at Authentic Malaysian Food, while there will be room for conversation and ‘hygge’. We look forward to a present and colorful evening with a wonderful audience. As the first turquoise concert in a long time, we hope you will be a part in this storytelling evening.

The ticket costs 125 DKK and includes the entire package; storytelling, sitting concert and dinner.

Note! det turkise telt follows the authorities’ requirements and guidelines for concerts during COVID-19. We will provide face masks, hand sanitizer and environmentally friendly disposable tableware. The chairs will be placed one meter from each other.

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