DAte: 27th october

ENTRence only for residents and family

Pauline Lumholt is one of the last original leaders of the Greenlandic shamanism form called InuIt Drum Dance.
She has performed in most of the world for more than 60 years, and is considered a folk hero in Greenland. Pauline herself grew up back during the time when Drum Dance and Inuit Culture were not allowed in Greenland.
A large part of the credit for the Inuit Culture has entered modern times is given to Pauline's lifelong communication and research work - for which she received the Greenland Home Rule Culture Prize 1995. Pauline has lived a large part of her life on Djursland north of Aarhus, and has many children and grandchildren as active in the Danish and Greenlandic music scene. Today she lives in a nursing home in Copenhagen, and rarely performs on special occasions. The concert is supported by the Statens Kunstfond.